Summer tea.


(In Portuguese)

I tried to imitate at home an iced tea I had at a cafeteria some days ago.
It's so simple and refreshing, I didn't have time to take a picture.

I prepared 1 cup very strong peppermint tea, and added 12 ice
cubes + cold water to complete 3 cups.
I processed it all in the blender with the juice of 1 lime and 3 tablespoons honey.
I added a couple more ice cubes and it was done.
Looks cute with some peppermint twigs decorating the glass.

At the cafeteria they offered peppermint tea, black tea and another one I don't remember.
I bet all of them are great, specially when a breeze blows.

1 comentários:

kasselin honjo said...

Que legal o teu blog!!Eu gosto de cozinhar tambem, e no meu blog as vezes eu posto minhas aventuras culinárias!rsrsrrs
Super fofo!Parabéns!
Kasselin Honjo

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