Serious lunch.


(In Portuguese)

Black beans soup with fried egg.

1 cup pre-cooked black beans (I froze 1/2kg cooked unseasoned black beans. It's really handy!)
2 small tomatoes (I used italian ones)
1 clove garlic, thinly sliced
1/2cm ginger, thinly sliced
1 tablespoons butter (or any fat you prefer)
1 1/2 cups water

First thing to do is put the water to boil in a kettle.
Meanwhile, I heated the butter and garlic together and let it toast, then added the ginger.
When they where crispy (one second before burning), I added the tomatoes in small cubes.
I covered the pan with it's lid and let it cook until the tomatoes were undone.
I added the frozen beans, cumin seeds, and boiling water.
[Look: the cumin is important because it avoids, ahm... gastrointestinal problems frequently caused by beans. Capisce? Ok. That said, I may continue.]
I stirred some times until the frozen beans block came apart, waited for water to boil again, then covered the pan and let it cook until the broth became thicker.
Coincidentally, it took me the same amount of time to fold the clean clothes.
About half an hour.

I turned off this pan's heat and prepared the egg.

1 egg
2 tablespoons oil
The method: in a nonstick frying pan, I heated the oil over high heat until it started crackling. 
I broke the egg over the frying pan and turned the heat down when all of the white was already white (not transparent anymore). I covered the pan and let it cook over medium heat for a couple minutes more (maybe 3, I'm not sure).
When I though the yolk wasn't soft anymore, I turned it off.
The only note I have to make on this method is: it will form a thin white film over the yolk, so it won't look pretty and classic. But tastes nice.

I would say that, if I fried another egg, this would make for two servings.

2 comentários:

João Paulo said...

Adorei, num tava ligado nessa do cominho, mas vo pensar a respeito. E num fica tudo com gosto de cominho dai?

Fora isso, SERIO, 500gr de feijao? PRA TI?

Flora. said...

Sério, 500g.
É a melhor coisa ter uma comida fácil de preparar te esperando no congelador...

O lance do cominho li num livro.
Na verdade é assim: deixa lá o feijão de molho de um dia pro outro, e quando for cozinhar troca a água.
Aí durante o cozimento é que tem que pôr cominho (também vale usar anis). Ou, tem outra opção que é trocar a água na metade do tempo de cozimento.
Eu prefiro usar o cominho tanto enquanto cozinha quanto pra temperar.
Mas o sabor não fica forte demais não, com todo esse alho tu nem percebe...

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