Oh, really?


(In Portuguese)

I was finishing reading some texts last night,
thinking I should go to sleep early, because I was very tired.
So, what's better than a cup of tea, right?
So I made some yerba mate tea, cozy and stuff.
Well, I just found out that mate contains a whole lot of caffeine.
In fact, twice as much as there is in coffe.
So I ended up going to sleep at 3am or something, to wake up at 7am.
Anyway, for unknown reasons, I woke up great.
I enjoyed my newly-discovered caffeine source, which made a fabulous breakfast
along with the granola.

Granola (recipe adapted from Patrícia)
1 cup rolled oats
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1/4 teaspoon ground ginger
1/4 teaspoon salt (next time I'll reduce it to 1/8)
4 tablespoons honey
1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
1 1/2 tablespoons vegetable oil
1/2 cup sunflower seeds
1/3 cup golden raisins

According to Patrícia, it keeps for a week in an airtight jar.
I think this amount of granola will last me about this time, considering it yelded 2 1/2 cups
when ready, and I eat 1/2 cup portions.

I mixed oats/cinnamon/ginger/salt in a bowl.
In another bowl, I mixed honey/oil/vanilla.
[Generally I say any oil will be fine, but in this case I don't recommend using soy.
Sunflower, corn, or canola have milder flavor, so they interfere less in the end result.]
The purpose of this mixture is to make the oats become crispy at the end.
So I added them to the dry ingredients and stirred with a spoon until everything was
perfectly incorporated, all of the oat flakes coated.
In a baking sheet, lined with parchment paper, I placed the whole mixture,
baking it for 10 minutes in pre-heated oven at 180oC.
I removed it briefly, mixed with the spoon, put it back for 5 minutes.
It wasn't looking crispy yet, so I mixed again, let if bake for 10 minutes more.
I added the sunflower seeds and placed in oven for another 5 minutes.
So I took it out for good, and let it cool by the window.
After that, I spooned it into a jar and it was ready:
delicious breakfast for one week!

Something great about this recipe is that you can vary endlessly, switching the dryed fruits and the nuts.

2 comentários:

Filipa said...

Adoro granola! Adoro mesmo, mesmo! Vou já copiar a tua receitinha...para fazer para o lanche...que não aguento esperar pelo pequeno-almoço! Um beijinho

flanzie said...


Fiz um doce de banana, vai lá dar pitaco! :)

E olha só esse feijão do post anterior, hein? Adorei a ideia do gengibre, vou usar da próxima vez. E o cominho também!

Beijo beijo.

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