Super quick bread.


(In Portuguese)

Sunday is the day I'll organize my life for the coming week.
I started today laundering some clothes and making bread.
It's really similar to the one I made last sunday, but I've changed some things.

Loaf bread 2

1 cup flour
1/4 cup oat flakes
1 teaspoon salt
150ml (3 coffe cups) warm milk
1 tablespoon brown sugar
1/2 tablet of fresh yeast
4 tablespoons oil

I put everything in the blender, except for the flour, oat and salt.
Then I beat it in a bowl with a wooden spoon, together with the flour and oat.
The dough should already show some bubbles. Then just add the salt and mix well.
I had seen my walnuts and Brazil nuts when I opened the cabinet, so I added a bit of them as well (4 of each, chopped). I looove crunchy bread :)
So I transfered the dough to a greased pan and covered with a plastic bag. The dough is already growing in the sun. All let it there for an hour, then it'll go to the oven.
Meanwhile, I'll prepare lunch and listen to some music.

What I changed from the last bread to this one was pretty much removing the egg.
I think it brought a strong taste that time, and as I'd rather not have it,
so I counterbalanced increasing the amount of oil.
Let's see if it works. I'll be bringing news soon.

Update: this bread came out tastier than the other, but it also turned out shorter (although it's soft all the same). It's a tiny bit less appropriate for sandwiches, because it breaks a little easier. But I don't care at all, I like this version better.

3 comentários:

flanzie said...

Floriêntchka, vou comentar nesse aqui, mas eu li todos e babei muito. :)

Quero aprender a fazer cookies direitinho e outros doces. Depois do dia 30 (dia que entrego o tcc e o relatório final), vou passar o dia cozinhando e ensaiando minha apresentação da banca, haha.

Vou dar uma olhada com calma naquele blog verde outra hora. Parece bom, apesar da ecochatice.

No mais, estou com saudades e quero logo tuas férias em Pomerode. :)

Beijo enorme gigante!

Letícia Minarelli said...

Nossa! Eu amo pão caseiro, vou tentar fazer aqui, achei bem fácil! Mas, meus dotes culinários não são lá essas coisas, vamos ver no que dá né? ;P

Tô adorando suas receitas! *-*

Beijos. ;*

Julio Cesar Refosco said...

Oi Fló! Massa o blog. Aliás, massa ainda não vi, só beterraba e pão, hehehe. Vou tentar esta receita do pão. Também to buscando uma receita de Pain au Levain, um tipo de pão com fermento natural. Dizem que dá um sabor muito legal. Outro dia tentei fazer o fermento e gastei uma semana e o pão ficou com um gosto azedo :( Beijos.

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