Really simple.


(In Portuguese)

The foto was awful, so I'm skiping this part.
Lazy quick lunch: rice and sautee brocoli.

And I washed a green salad. Just to be whimsy, I added some Brazil nuts and pieces of dried apricot.
I included in the lunchbox some beetroots preserve I made on sunday, and which was left marinating until today.

Here's the deal:
I cooked two beets until they were almost soft.

Tuned off the heat and let it cool a bit.
Then I cut slices that were roughly 1cm thick, and placed them in a clean glass jar.
Topped with white vinager up to the middle of the jar, then completed with the water where the beets were cooked, and sprinkled some salt. That's it. Screw the lid and put in the fridge. It keeps very well.

Here there's a spicy version, but as far as I can remember, back in my home it used to be just like this. I'll try it today at lunch...

2 comentários:

flanzie said...

Quando a vó fazia beterraba em conserva, eu acabava com o vidro sozinha em um almoço. Era o orgulho dela, hahaha!

Respondendo ao seu comentário no flickr (misturei tudo!): a câmera é ótima e linda e incrível - e pesada demais também, mas ok -, pena que o filme é muito caro. :P

Deu vontade de beterraba agora, tsc.

Beijobeijo! said...

Oi Flora! Foi bom ter lido seu post e ter visto que nao sou soh eu que invento coisa na salada, ou que "faz uma frescura" haha... Eu to com a mania de levar um caderninho e anotar o que eu como, acredita? Esses dias mandei bem na zuchini com tomate, cebola e alho. Ficou uma deliiicia!
Queria agradecer a visita no site ITTM e pelo coments no meu post Tutu Skirt. Uma boa sexta pra vc! beijos

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