Butternut squash lasagna.


(In Portuguese)

Lately I have seen many recipes with squash in foreign blogs,
and that made me want to eat it as well.
Sure I'll have to wait until they are in season, but even so I found some butternut squashes at the market that will do the trick.
Anyway, it's been raining a lot in São Paulo and the temperature has come down.
Which is great for a lasagna!

1 medium butternut squash
2 small eggplants
1 package tomato sauce (350g)
Fresh cheese, as needed (I think I used about 250g)

I started putting a medium pan over heat to boil water.
After I washed the vegetables throughly, I chopped off the rounded part of the squash
and saved it for another recipe, keeping only it's "neck".
I cut a thin lenthwise slice of this "neck", so that I could have a flat side to base on the
board. With a sharp knife and patience, I cut slices approximately 3mm thick.
In the same way, I sliced the eggplant.
When the water boiled, I placed the vegetables in the pan and waited for it to boil again
before turning off the heat. This is to make sure they will be tender.
The following step was to slice the cheese as thick as the veggies.

So I assembled the lasagna in the pyrex:
one layer eggplant -> sauce -> cheese -> sauce -> squash ->
sauce -> eggplant -> sauce -> cheese -> sauce -> squash ->
sauce -> one rounded squash slice and cheese to garnish.
This time I haven't seasoned, salted nor anything, because there was already
salt enough in the sauce and cheese.
I baked it in pre-heated oven at 180oC (medium heat) for 35 minutes.
I still haven't killed my craving for squash, but it's a start. :)

2 comentários:

flanzie said...


vou ter que me contentar com uma lasanha de microondas que comprei ontem, haha. uma coisa que eu quero muito fazer é nhoque de abóbora, agora nem lembro mais onde está a receita.

que saudade, florita. que saudade!


Filipa said...

Muito bem!É um dos meus ingredientes predilectos! A sua lasanha ficou com muito boa cara, mesmo! Eu também costume fazer lasanha, ravioli, gnocchi, canelonni, enfim....tudo! Em doce ou salgado, funciona lindamente, não acha? Um beijinho e bom fim-de-semana :)

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