Butternut squash lasagna.


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(In Portuguese)

Lately I have seen many recipes with squash in foreign blogs,
and that made me want to eat it as well.
Sure I'll have to wait until they are in season, but even so I found some butternut squashes at the market that will do the trick.
Anyway, it's been raining a lot in São Paulo and the temperature has come down.
Which is great for a lasagna!

Flourless banana cakes.


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Did you notice I frequently have leftover bananas? haha
This is a simple flourless cake, pretty good to have at breakfast.

Sandwich oatmeal bread.


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(In Portuguese)

From tuesday to wednesday last week, I tryed to bake a no-knead bread,
but unfortunately I ended up burning the poor thing.
I've tryed other breads too, and some did come out good.
But not like this one.
I fell hopelessly in love with this recipe. It came from here, and I've changed some things.
It is a common kneaded bread, perfect for sandwiches, and just a little bit salty.

Pasta with tomato sauce.

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(In Portuguese)

Weeknight pasta, made by four hands, really simple, just with tomato sauce and red pepper.
We used the tomatoes bought at feira da água branca, and it came out excellent!
I inspired myself in Pim's sauce, and tought it's way tastier than the one I usually make.

The saga of the chimia.


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(In Portuguese)

Continuing thes to make a tasty and decent-looking chimia [which is a kind of fruit spread made here in Brazil] - 
meaning a dark brown one, rather than a pinkish one -, here is another recipe.

Slow and uncomplicated.


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(In Portuguese)

I know it makes anyone proud to serve a delicious kneaded bread,
but this one promises to be delicious with no knead.
And, from me to you, let's admit it's a great joy to be able to make
delicious foods between a tuesday and a wednesday night.

Flora of the green thumbs (trial version).


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(In Portuguese)

Do you remember my beloved tomato plant, that cute one, with cherry tomatoes?
while on vacation I spent two weeks at my mother's, and I forgot to take the tomato plant
to my boyfriend's place. Mening: I killed the poor thing.
But we can find a way around for almost anything.
In my case, the way was found with the help of this lady called Juliana [she writes in Portuguese].
She's got many hints for people interested in apartment vegetable gardens,
and some other issues.
When I got back from vacation, I still had two tomatoes from that plant
in the fridge, so I decided to plant them.