Banana spread.


Banana spread. Yummm.
I still don't know what to do so that it won't acquire that pinkish/lilac tone, which I find a little strange. But it's so good on a bread as a breakfast!

3 ripe bananas, peeled and sliced
1 tablespoon sugar
1/2 cup sugar + 1/3 cup water

First I put the banana and 1/2 cup water in a small sauce pan and bring it to a boil.
After that I turn the heat a little lower and let it simmer for half an hour. I avoid to stirr it too much so the banana pieces won't be completely smashed.
After half and hour most of the water had evapored, it will already be kind of pink, but won't be ready yet.
Then I add the sugar and 1/3 cup water, stirr to combine everything.
Leave it there for 10 minutes more and when almost all of the liquid has evaporated it's done.
I let it cool completely in the pan before transfering to a small container to put in the frigde.

2 comentários:

flanzie said...

a minha chimia de banana é mais simples. :P

cozinho elas com casca e tudo (coelhinho da páscoa, hahaha) por uns dois minutos. aí espero esfriar pra tirar da casca e misturar ela molenga com açúcar de baunilha e canela em pó. meu pai sempre fazia pra mim de manhã. :)

beijo, frô!

flanzie said...

Fica bem amarelinha, principalmente se tiver madura. Acho que deve ser algum lance da água que deixa ela assim rosada. Sei lá, haha.

Ah, pétala tem algum sinônimo? hah :)


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