Tanned bread.


The thing is: food belongs either over the table or inside bellies,

never in the trash can.
The other day, I baked a lot of christmas cookies. And because of a whim of mine, I have cut them again after baking, so that they would all be round and equal.
Well, what to do with 3 cups leftover cookie crumble? Bread!

It went like this:
3/4 cup (180ml) lukewarm milk
1 egg
the 3 cups leftover crumble (since the pieces were kind of big, there was a lot of space between them inside the measuring cup. If, for instance, I had processed them in the blender, I suppose there would be about 2 cups)
3/4 cup all purpose flour
2 tablespoons brown sugar
1 tablespoon sunflower oil
5g (half envelope) yeast

I mixed the egg and milk and poured it in a bowl along with the yeast.
Immediately added the sugar as well, so that the yeast could start developing, the oil, and little by little added the crumbles.
I stirred everything with a wooden spoon, because the dough was really soft.
I added the all purpose flour slowly, and the dough was still really soft. So I just mixed to make sure it was uniform and let it prove covered in plastic and a clean tea towel inside the oven (turned off) for one hour. 
After that I took it out, mixed again with the wooden spoon, transferred to a greased loaf pan and let it prove for another 30 minutes in the same conditions.
I preheat the oven for 10 minutes to 180oC and baked for 1h10min, keeping the heat lower in the last few minutes - because the outside was done but the inside was still a bit raw.
Result: a soft, sweetish bread (you can still taste the ginger a little bit) that won't work for sandwiches. Because it's so soft it brakes when you take it in your hands.
Yet, works wonderfully for a breakfast. :)

2 comentários:

flanzie said...

chu, clica em "sorvete de milho", ali no post, hahaha. :)


flanzie said...

ai, que gostoso, eu quero esse pão!
(só li hoje o post, desculpa!)

ei, dá uma olhada no meu último post ("leitura") e vê o que tu acha. acho que seria uma delícia de conversar sobre o livro contigo.

vou ver se te vejo logo. se quiser, me avisa que te empresto o livro!

beijo grande grande mesmo

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