Kanelbullar - cinnamon bread, Swedish version.


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It is a fact that there are many versions of cinnamon bread out there.
Why should I start with the Swedish version, you might ask.
Well, simply because. I think the Swedish breads and cakes I've seen
on internet are really good-looking. And I also think Sweden must be the
thrift store paradise. I bet I would find everything pretty if I visited that country.

Also, the recipe I chose promised to be light and not too sweet.
And it's true. To it!

Gnocchi for life.


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(Em Português)

This is the - best - gnocchi - recipe - of - my - life.
It will never be exchanged or abandoned, never more abstract gnocchis.
It is so simple, so tasty, so light, and so versatile.
I would say I am in love.

Onion soup.


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(In Portuguese)

Lately I was making an effort to post at least once a week, but in the last few days it
simply wasn't possible. Thankfully, for good reasons.
And even without recent posts, without many frequent readers, I was very glad to know
- through blogger's statistics - that some readers showed up from places I hadn't imagine,
from faraway countries such as Turkey or Estonia.
Be welcome, everybody! Tell me about you. Leave comments about the ways you eat and cook, or about something else.
Everyone, Brazilians, Americans, Spanish too! Tell me what you think of what is in for today. :)

I adapted this recipe from Jamie Oliver, and it fits perfectly for a cold night.
I don't really think it is very much like his recipe, but it tasted good and cozy.
Unlike the famous chef, I put potatoes in the soup and left the bread out.

Soooft pizza, Chicago style.


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Think of an extremely soft, fluffy pizza.
Filled with a lot of grated cheese and sauce. With browned edges.
I took from Annie the recipe that leads to it.